
Here's to Trying Something New
"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, challenging yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something." Neil Gaiman
WHEW! It's always kind of nice to sit down to write this and have too much to say. In the past two weeks, I have made some decisions.
To be completely honest, I have made some decisions in just the last few days.
I mentioned last time that I had started a new passion project, Soundtrack of a Voluntary Misfit, a blog about music and all the things I love about it. That is going well, so far. We'll see how it progresses as I start to run out of things to talk about. The Buy Me a Coffee platform has podcast hosting on their list of things to do so hopefully I will soon have that to add some value beyond just more text-based rambling.
As is the case with most authors, I have a second (or, I guess, more accurately, first) blog that I have struggled to maintain due to lack of ideas. I'm not a book reviewer, even when I have the time to devote to voracious reading. I've never found the balance between saying enough to be enticing and justify my opinions while not saying too much and spoiling the story for others. I'll tell you, "I loved this book, you should read it," all day long but don't ask me to give you a journalistic quality review.
And I feel like every author with a blog wants to share their tips for writing which are the same tips they picked up from some other writer who picked them up somewhere else, resulting in a neverending cycle of regurgitation. Not to mention, I think writing tips alienates half of my potential reader base; the half that doesn't write.
So, what's a girl to do with a blog when she wants to do something different with her blog?
There is a lot of scandal and drama among the TiketyTok book folk. I don't really want to include my own account in the melee but in a lot of cases, I do have opinions on the topics so I have elected, instead of inviting drama to an otherwise happy place for me, I'll address those hot button topics in blog form. Topics like should authors give away free books in an attempt to combat piracy, should writers follow readers, should writers read reviews . . . The first of these posts will be going up this week on my newly scrubbed author blog.
And last but not least on the list of hard fast concrete decisions I've made this week, I am changing my series, yet again. When I scribbled out Price of Fame in a four hour flurry of last minute words, my plan was to build from it. Use it as a jumping off point, the catalyst for everything else to follow. But then I got about halfway through what was supposed to be book one of this series and I wasn't liking some of what I had set up in that first story.
I decided to expand that story to novel length, turning ten thousand words into seventy, and making that book one, book one would become book two, etc.
But now, I think there is more story to tell before so the expanded version of Price of Fame will be book two. I am trying something with this series, as well, which is part of the reason I'm having so much trouble getting started. I am outlining! QUEL SURPRISE! I am a committed pantser and realistically, I'll still pants the books on their own. But I am attempting to plot out the major plot points of the backstory, the story arc that will carry through from one to two to three and on.
Pro, I now have plot ideas for four books instead of twoish. Con, I wanted to have the first three books to 90% publication ready before putting out the first one so I could rapid release the beginning of the series. Which means I've got a lot of writing to do if I want to get this thing off the ground this year.
Which means . . . k gotta go bye! <3

Completed Series Urban Fantasy Book Fair
If you're tired of waiting for The Next Book(tm) in a series, then this fair is for you. Only completed series, no waiting.
Stand for Ukraine
A collection of 50+ authors have banded together to contribute romance, women's fiction, essays, and poetry--some speculative, some contemporary--to this anthology. The authors themselves have chipped in out of pocket for the cover art, editing, and other production costs and all proceeds are earmarked for Save the Children in Ukraine. Preorders are live. If this isn't something you want for yourself, consider getting it for a gift for someone else.
Fia Drake Soul Hunter
If you are just joining me, you received a free short story connected to my Fia Drake trilogy. Now, I want to encourage you to pick up the rest of the series. All three books are available . . . just about anywhere you could think of (you can even request them from your local library, if that's your thing).
After nearly a decade on her own, Fia Drake had her routine figured out.
Track a host. Neutralize the host. Send the condemned back to the underworld. Sweat it out with good music and a sexy stranger. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Until a host gets the better of her. And one sexy stranger has no interest in being just a stranger. Fia's version of normal starts spiraling out of her highly-valued control until she finds herself with a complete set of unexpected allies who reveal the trouble she has been encountering can be tied to an infiltrator, someone working against her from inside this newly formed circle of loyalty.
Now she has a hoard of displaced demons, a new generation of soul hunters, and human treachery to contend with. Not to mention a one-night-stand who has signed up to be the newest eager soldier to follow her into battle.
Will she be able to uncover the traitor and return the demon's property before anyone else gets hurt? Or will Fia Drake finally have more blood on her hands than she can wash clean?
Grab the full series readers are calling wonderfully authentic, gritty, "a wild ride."

This week on Patreon included a look at how I am revamping "Price of Fame," the story included in the now-out-of-print Magic & Mystery anthology, to transform it from a 10,000 word short story to a 70,000 word novel. Supporters of my Typewriter Keys tier were treated to an explanation of all the assorted and oddball abbreviations used throughout the writing community. More detailed definitions of some of these terms will appear in later posts.
Over on Ko-Fi, I have added two new bookmarks, priced at $10 each. These are personalized items, made to order, with an initial of your choice (buy for you or give to a friend) on a metal hook-style bookmark. I am working hard to add more products to the shop so keep an eye out for that in the future.
Now, through the end of March, newsletter subscribers (that means YOU!) get 20% off any Ko-Fi order with the code NL20.
If any of this sounds interesting, sign up here.